Commemorate and Decorate Your Travels with These Christmas Tips

I love Christmas traditions! One of the great things about traveling in an RV is incorporating places you’ve visited into your Christmas décor and traditions. Here are some of my favorite ways to commemorate your travels throughout the year. Try on these Christmas tips and see what your family likes – you might just find a new tradition!

Ornaments on a Travel Tree

Gift shops are everywhere! Whenever you travel, find a special ornament that represents that particular location. If you like putting up multiple or themed Christmas trees, dedicate one to your travels and decorate it solely with ornaments from the places you’ve been. If you’re taking a miniature artificial travel-tree with you in your new or used RV, make sure to decorate it with shatterproof ornaments!

Christmas Tips

A Christmas Banner

One of my favorite holiday traditions from my growing up years was “The Christmas Banner.” Each year, my mom would hang a giant banner on a curtain rod. The banner itself is about the size of a standard entry way door, and each year a small space is dedicated to adding mementos from our travels and special occasions, using patches and lapel pins you can find in those same gift shops. It’s one tradition that’s made it into my family as well. When you travel a lot, many of your destinations and years can bleed together, and keeping them sorted into little groups on a visual “hanging scrapbook page” is fantastic. Think of it like a well-decorated travel suitcase, only it comes out just once a year.

Christmas Tips

We collect pins and patches for our Christmas banner all year long! When our Christmas banner goes up, each of my children spends quite a lot of time looking over our groupings of years and different travels, pointing out this or that National Park, our fantastic vacation along Route 66, or that surprise winter getaway they were given for Christmas one year.

Christmas Tips


Regional Foods & Decorations

The holidays definitely bring their fair share of food! During your travels, if you find a great regional classic, try to look for the recipe online. Add it to a holiday line up and designate a special meal during the holidays to represent some of your favorite foods from your travels throughout the year.

Christmas Tips

Again, look for some regional-specific Christmas décor on your travels. Bring it out with the rest of your Christmas décor items the next year – it’s a great way to remember your fun traveling memories.

I love traveling, and I love the holidays – so combining memories from the miles we’ve driven during the year and reflecting on them during the holidays is a natural fit. Contact us today if you’re ready to start making the most of your travels and memories in a new or used RV!

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