Shop Online with our RV Virtual Tour Feature!

Need something a little more than photos of an RV? We’ve got you covered with our RV virtual tours! Look for our yellow “Virtual Tour” tag on select models and learn more below about how to utilize our RV virtual tour options!

Virtual Tour

When you browse a listing in our new and used RVs for sale that has our yellow virtual tour tag included, click the button that says “360* tour.” This will prompt a pop up screen. (Make sure your browser allows pop ups!)

Next, press the round “Play” button with the forward facing triangle – just like when you’re playing a video on your phone.

From there, you can choose several different methods to explore your RV virtual tour. Click on the graphics in the bottom of the photo for the following options:

  • “View Dollhouse” gives you a full, miniature view of the entire RV…just like you’re looking at a dollhouse.
  • “View Floor Plan” allows you to look at the floor plan layout from a birds eye view.
  • In “Measurement Mode,” click any two points to pull up the real life measured distance between those two points in the actual RV. This gives you an idea of how much space you have between the fridge and kitchen island, for example, or between the bed and the wall.
  • The “Share This Space” option allows you to share a clickable link to that particular unit – especially helpful if you and your spouse are browsing RV listings from different locations! Pass your favorites back and forth using this tool.
  • “View in VR” is a mode that works with certain app settings on your mobile device. You’ll need the Google Cardboard or Samsung Gear VR settings to proceed.
  • “View in Fullscreen” is a great way to expand the view to utilize your entire screen.


Once you’re in the RV virtual tour, use the super imposed circle graphics to move around by clicking. It couldn’t be easier!

Using our RV virtual tour option is a fantastic way to shop online – it’s truly like being in the RV itself! Contact us if you have any questions about our new and used RVs for sale, or if you need help exploring the RV virtual tour feature further.

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